PNG Ports

PNG Ports Corporation Limited was launched in 2006 following restructuring of its predecessors, PNG Harbours Board (1963-1969), PNG Harbours Board (1970-2002) and PNG Harbours Board Limited (2002‑2006).  The organisation was established by virtue of the Harbours Board Act of 1963, as amended, to be the regulator and licensing authority of general port services at all maritime ports within Papua New Guinea.


PNG Ports is a fully corporatized entity owned by the Government through a shareholding held by KCH.  The overall management and operations of PNG Ports are regulated by the Harbours Act 2002.

PNG Port’s core business is to act as a land lord port authority and provide port infrastructure where berthing, pilotage and wharfage services are provided for shipping companies and storage provided for container and generalised cargo transiting through its ports. These ports handle in excess of over seven (7) million tonnes of cargo annually.

PNG Ports currently operates fifteen (15) out of the twenty-three (23) declared ports throughout Papua New Guinea.  PNG Ports also provides harbor pilotage services and has licensed pilots and pilot launches in the main ports.

PNG Ports is also vested with a delegated authority by the Department of Transport to provide harbour management and maritime compliance responsibilities at all land/water interfaces (wharves and jetties) declared and non-declared ports and harbours throughout the country. Its essential port services (berthage and wharfage) and prices are regulated by the ICCC under a 5-year regulatory contract expiring in December 2019.

PNG Ports and KCH have invested significantly in new terminal infrastructure facilities, most recently with the relocation of the Port Moresby port, and the extension of the Motukea international wharf, and the Lae Tidal Basin port. Through an international tender, PNG Ports has engaged an international terminal operator to operate the new terminal facilities in Lae and Port Moresby under a twenty-five (25) year concession agreement commencing in 2018.

Annual Audit & Financial Statements